Book List So far for 2010!

2010 Reading List!
1.) Prodigal God- Tim Keller
2.) Counterfeit Gods-Tim Keller
3.) A Thousand Miles in a Million years- Donald Miller
4.) The Pursuit of God-A.W. Tozer
5.) Searching for God knows what- Donald Miller
6.) Forgotten God- Francis Chan
7.) Christless Christianity-Michael Horton
8.) Life Together-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
9.) This Beautiful Mess- Rick McKinley
10.) The Reason for God-Tim Keller
11.) Jesus Wants to Save Christians- Rob Bell
12.) Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
13.) Flickering Pixels- Shane Hipps
14.) The Great Omission- Dallas Willard
15.) The Road- Cormac McCarthy
16.) Surprised by Hope-N.T. Wright
17.) The Cost of Discipleship- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
18.) Doctrine-What Christians Should Believe- Mark Driscoll
19.) Scandalous- The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus- D.A. Carson
20.) The Tipping Point- Malcolm Gladwell
21.) Outliars- Malcolm Gladwell
22.) In the Name of Jesus- Henri Nouwen
23.) Jesus of Suburbia- Mike Eerie


Matt Gibson said...

looks great my friend. May the Lord grow you in knowledge and understanding.

Joel Mayward said...

I heart you.

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